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HollyFrontier Navajo Refinery HF Alky Orientation     
Course Information
This course includes the following topics: Introduction, Alkylation Unit Chemical Hazards, Unit Location and Entering the Unit, Personal Protective Equipment, Safe Work Practices, and Conclusion. This course has been updated to reflect the current policies and procedure, thus affecting the course topics. Additionally, the site now accepts 19SAFETY as an additional training requirement. **Contractors performing work at Navajo Refinery site must have ONE of the following courses: ? HASC Safety Essentials (19SAFETY) ? Safety Essentials (SE-SAFE) ? Basic Plus/Basic Plus Refresher (19BH/19BHREF) ? Refinery Safety Overview (RSO) ? C-STOP ? DISA Safety Orientation (DSOP)
Facility Advertised pricing
Registration $55.00 member/non-member
Course Details
Course Code: 19HFNRHF
Course Length: 30 mins.
